Translation Class
(Translation is "conversation in heaven" - between you and your thoughts.)
Heather C. Williams, H.W.,M. (High Watch Mentor, Ontological Artist)
Are you aware of the value of your BEING? In the practice of Translation® - we do not heal, alter or change anything in the world around us. Instead our work is in re-identifying with our True INNATE Self or BEINGNESS.
QUESTION: Are you aware of your BEING?
STORY: I am sure you agree that today’s technology (Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot, 5G, geo-engineering, Robotics, and lots more) is pretty amazing. Now, think about this: Human evolution moves forward along the two lines of KNOWLEDGE and BEING. Technology is the practical application of knowledge. It was Gurdjieff who said: “If knowledge gets far ahead of BEING, knowledge becomes theoretical and inapplicable to life or actually harmful because instead of serving life and helping people to struggle with their difficulties - too much knowledge complicates life, brings new difficulties, new troubles which were not there before.” Do you agree that the rapidly advancing technology today is concerning? Do you agree that we human beings must do some WORK to open up to the part of us that is our INNATE BEING?
The Prosperos School of Ontology was founded by Thane Walker in 1956 and its purpose is to help people awaken to their INNATE SELF or BEING or Essence. Ontology is the study or science of our very BEING (or existence). Thane was a student of Gurdjieff in the 1930s and he created a wonderful tool to help people use their problems to engage with and to experience the Power at the core of their BEING. TranslationR is a tool where you practice using your intellect to KNOW your Innate BEING. I, myself, have Translated hundreds, maybe thousands of problems that appeared to block me - and - the problems dissolved as I moved into alignment with my BEINGNESS, Essence, Innate Self.
The truth is that there is a part of us that is formless, timeless, spaceless and ever present, here now. This part of us is our SOUL. It is the BEINGNESS that we always are. The problem is we are seldom aware of this part of us. And, now with technology and our constant use of computers, our attention is bombarded with advertisements, emails, texts, social media posts.
Are you ready to pay attention to your BEING?
Learn more about the upcoming ONLINE - TRANSLATIONR Class with Heather!
DATE: Saturday and Sunday, October 26 & 27, 2024
TIME: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday Pacific Time