Drawing as a Sacred Activity
by Heather C. Williams
published by New World Library
With a step-by-step approach to personal development in the tradition of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain and The Artist’s Way, it teaches not only the technical skills needed to draw but also ways delve into our inner lives for healing and inspiration.
This is my first book.
It grew out of many years of drawing and painting and exploring and discovering WHO I AM and how I engage the creative process. I agree with Frederick Franck, artist and author of The Zen of Seeing, when he says, "Drawing is the discipline by which I constantly rediscover the world.” To observe is to put your attention toward something. The first section in my book (PENCILS & PERCEPTION) is about OBSERVATIONAL DRAWING. Learning to see with compassion is an enormous step for anyone. The artist’s eye is capable of extracting the abstract qualities from the concrete form of whatever one sees in this world. In this section, I tell the story of my time as an Artist’s Apprentice to Norwegian Master Artist, Jan Valentin Saether. Here is where I learned what I call “The 5 Keys” to drawing what you see. There are 14 drawing exercises for you to practice observational drawing.
The second section in my book (CRAYONS & CONSCIOUSNESS) is about SELF OBSERVATION. Here you close your eyes to the external world and draw your attention inward toward your inner world of feelings, bodily sensations, hopes, dreams, memories. In this section, I tell the story of my time as a teacher for the Louise L. Hay International Teacher Training. I talk about creating a safe environment and I encourage people to use their non-dominant hand. There are 27 drawing exercises for you to practice self observational drawing.
The third section of my book (INK & INTUITION) is about intuition. An intuitive feeling is a ‘knowing’ that comes from deep in the center of your BEING. In this section I tell the story of my studies in The Prosperos where I learned about Consciousness and the value of being open to the unexpected, to the unknown and being surprised! The answers are within you. Go within and bring those answers out into the light of day. You are the only one who can do this. There are only 2 drawing exercises for you to practice drawing out your intuition. More to come in the next book!
In my classes you will become more acquainted with the three kinds of drawing (Observational, Self Observational and Intuitional). You will learn to listen to the deeper part of yourself, to temporarily suspend judgement and just BE. You will learn to love and accept yourself exactly as you are right now (in the midst of change). It is an unfolding process. It does not happen overnight. And as you practice drawing, you will begin to notice beauty emerging on your paper.
The Power is within YOU. Draw it out!