By Heather C. Williams, H.W.M.
High Watch Mentor in The Prosperos School of Ontology
Author of Drawing as a Sacred Activity
Today we all are fascinated with technology. Our eyes are almost constantly glued on the latest social media posts, texts, emails, youtube videos, not to mention television news, streaming services like Netflix, Disney, Hulu, Peacock, Spotify, to name a few. I agree with Vandana Shiva: “What’s being mined now (by technology and mechanical thinking) is our MIND.” Watch a 12 min video: youtu.be/f9lq-uBdxg8
Your MIND is your innate, essential potential SELF! We know innately that we are connected with all life, but we’ve been programmed to think we are separate forms in time and space. Nikola Tesla said this: “Though free to think and act, we are held together like stars in the firmament with ties inseparable. These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them. We are all ONE.”
MIND is our essential potential SELF and we all are individualized expressions of ONE INFINITE MIND. The way we each design the world is the way we individually relate to it. When we design our world mechanically - we separate ourselves and stand - above or below others - in order to exploit them. As we design our world with a deep, mindful recognition of connectedness of everything - we nurture our relationship with things (including other human beings).
Come to The Prosperos Advance Seminar Class and activate your sense of connectedness! Learn how your MIND guides your body; how your unconscious MIND can imprison you in the ancient, animal-like fear/aggression reactive pattern. And how, with dedicated, impassioned disciplined work - you can free yourself from the old prison of being a mechanical thing and begin to activate a connection with your INNATE CREATIVE POTENTIAL!
Today it is urgent that we mindfully activate our sense of connectedness with all life! Let us make our interrelated ONENESS the project of our time!
The Prosperos School of Ontology presents
The Advance Seminar
Zoom Monitor Class with THANE and Heather C. Williams, HWM
Saturday and Sunday - June 12 & 13
4 hours each day with hourly breaks
Beginning time: 8:00 am Pacific/9:00 am Mtn/10:00 am Central/11:00 /Eastern
Learn more and register for class:
“All of you will realize that everything your senses are aware of is a THOUGHT, in your point of view. You have one destination in your life now and that is TO KNOW YOURSELF!” ~ Thane
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