Saturday, March 24, 2018
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Buena Creek Gardens
The unconscious mind is an undiscovered country, much like America was four hundred years ago. It is vast and magnificent and sometimes it is scary. Instead of focusing all your attention on what’s happening in the world around you, once in awhile it is vitally important to look within. Think of yourself as an explorer. Your mental, emotional and physical health rests securely on a meaningful dialogue between two aspects of yourself: The interior world of CAUSE and the exterior world of EFFECT. Good health is balance. Inner exploration is necessary for problem solving. In this class you will learn HOW TO LEARN from painful or difficult feelings. Until you go within and change the pattern – the same old problem will reappear. The goal is to help you make friends with yourself, so that wherever you go, you can be yourself.
This 4-hour class is a very safe and simple introduction to the therapeutic benefits of drawing lines on paper that express your heart-felt feelings. You will take home with you three simple drawing exercises that you can use to continue exploring your inner world. You are not a limited thing. You are mind unfolding with the capacity to think and govern thought. You are an energy converter. You are the only one who can sort things out in ways that make sense to you. Therapists, teachers, parents, loved ones, gurus, authors and wise ones are here to help you, but you must do the work!
Bookings are closed for this event.